KIA EV9 specifications, reviews and tests

KIA EV9 (2023 - )

Models - 3

SUV | Electric

KIA EV9 technical data and specs

Storage technology (Battery type) Lithium
Height (mm) 1755
Length (mm) 5010
Width (mm) 1980
Maximum power (HP) 204 - 385
Maximum power (KW) 150 - 283
Car body type SUV
Drivetrain type All-wheel (AWD) / Rear-wheel (RWD)
Engine type Electric
Model launch date 10.2023
Number of doors 5
Number of seats 5
Acceleration (s) 6 - 9,4
Range (WLTP) 541 km
Towing capacity / weight (braked 12%) 2500 kg

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