Skoda Felicia Pick-Up 1.3 LX Flachplane 1999 technical data & details

general performance fuel economy / consumption engine transmission dimensions and capacity body and chassis equipment warranty

GENERAL Skoda Felicia Pick-Up 1.3 LX Flachplane 1999
Brand Skoda
Range Felicia
Generation 1. Generation
Model series Felicia Pick-Up (1999 - 2001)
Engine version Felicia Pick-Up 1.3
Engine subversion LX Flachplane
Car body type Pick-Up
Number of seats 2
Number of doors 2
Engine type Internal combustion engine (Otto)
Gearbox type Manual gearbox
Drivetrain type Front-wheel (FWD)
Model launch date 07.1999
Model end date 02.2001
PERFORMANCE Skoda Felicia Pick-Up 1.3 LX Flachplane 1999
Maximum power (kW) 50
Maximum power (HP) 68
Acceleration (s) 14
Top speed (km/h) 155
FUEL ECONOMY / CONSUMPTION Skoda Felicia Pick-Up 1.3 LX Flachplane 1999
Fuel type Super
Total consumption 6,4 l/100 km
Gas / fuel tank size 42,0 l
Fuel consumption city (NEDC) 8,1 l/100 km
Fuel consumption highway (NEDC) 5,4 l/100 km
Fuel consumption combined (NEDC) 6,4 l/100 km
Emission category Euro 2 (up to 2500kg)
ENGINE Skoda Felicia Pick-Up 1.3 LX Flachplane 1999
Torque 106
Number of gears 5
Installation position / engine type Front engine / Series
Exhaust gas cleaning regulated
Number of cylinders 4
Fuel injection type Injection
Number of valves 2
Engine size / displacement (ccm) 1289
Power / torque 50 kW (68 HP) / 106 Nm
Power (KW) 50
Power (HP) 68
Engine size / displacement (ccm) 1289 ccm
Maximum power at rpm. 5000 RPM
Maximum torque at rpm. 2600 RPM
TRANSMISSION Skoda Felicia Pick-Up 1.3 LX Flachplane 1999
Drivetrain type Front-wheel (FWD)
Gearbox type Manual gearbox
Number of gears 5
DIMENSIONS AND CAPACITY Skoda Felicia Pick-Up 1.3 LX Flachplane 1999
Length (mm) 4115
Width (mm) 1635
Height (mm) 1440
Wheelbase (mm) 2450
Turning circle (m) 10,5 m
Trunk / boot space (litres) 743
Curb (kerb) weight (kg) 980
Gross weight (kg) 1510
Payload weight / capacity (kg) 530
Towing capacity / weight (braked 12%) 900 kg
Towing capacity / weight (unbraked) 400 kg
BODY AND CHASSIS Skoda Felicia Pick-Up 1.3 LX Flachplane 1999
Body type Pick-Up
Number of doors 2
Number of seats (normal) 2
Power steering Series (included)
Front suspension Screw
Rear suspension Screw
Front brake Disc
Rear brake Drum
ABS Series (included)
Tire (tyre) size 165/70R13
EQUIPMENT Skoda Felicia Pick-Up 1.3 LX Flachplane 1999
Airbag driver Series (included)
WARRANTY Skoda Felicia Pick-Up 1.3 LX Flachplane 1999
Car warranty 1 year
Paint warranty 1 year
Rust warranty 6 years

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