Volkswagen Karmann Ghia Coupé 1600 (1970) technical data & details

general performance fuel economy / consumption engine transmission dimensions and capacity body and chassis

GENERAL Volkswagen Karmann Ghia Coupé 1600 (1970)
Brand Volkswagen
Range Karmann Ghia
Generation Type 14/Type 34
Model series Karmann-Ghia (Type 14) Coupé (1955 - 1974)
Engine version Karmann Ghia Coupé 1600
Car body type Coupe
Number of seats 4
Number of doors 2
Engine type Internal combustion engine (Otto)
Gearbox type Manual gearbox
Drivetrain type Rear-wheel (RWD)
Model launch date 03.1970
Model end date 07.1974
PERFORMANCE Volkswagen Karmann Ghia Coupé 1600 (1970)
Maximum power (kW) 37
Maximum power (HP) 50
Acceleration (s) 21
Top speed (km/h) 140
FUEL ECONOMY / CONSUMPTION Volkswagen Karmann Ghia Coupé 1600 (1970)
Fuel type Normal
Gas / fuel tank size 40,0 l
Emission category without CAT
ENGINE Volkswagen Karmann Ghia Coupé 1600 (1970)
Torque 106
Number of gears 4
Installation position / engine type Rear engine / Boxer
Number of cylinders 4
Fuel injection type Carburettor
Number of valves 2
Engine size / displacement (ccm) 1584
Power / torque 37 kW (50 HP) / 106 Nm
Power (KW) 37
Power (HP) 50
Engine size / displacement (ccm) 1584 ccm
Maximum power at rpm. 4000 RPM
Maximum torque at rpm. 2800 RPM
TRANSMISSION Volkswagen Karmann Ghia Coupé 1600 (1970)
Drivetrain type Rear-wheel (RWD)
Gearbox type Manual gearbox
Number of gears 4
DIMENSIONS AND CAPACITY Volkswagen Karmann Ghia Coupé 1600 (1970)
Length (mm) 4166
Width (mm) 1634
Height (mm) 1320
Wheelbase (mm) 2400
Turning circle (m) 11,3 m
Trunk / boot space (litres) 180
Curb (kerb) weight (kg) 870
Gross weight (kg) 1200
Payload weight / capacity (kg) 330
Roof load capacity 50 kg
BODY AND CHASSIS Volkswagen Karmann Ghia Coupé 1600 (1970)
Body type Coupe
Number of doors 2
Number of seats (normal) 4
Front suspension Torsion bar
Rear suspension Torsion bar
Front brake Disc
Rear brake Drum

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